Speech Bubble
From Future Skill
Speech Bubble quick setup
Here's an example to quickly get a speech bubble in the canvas:
import SpeechBubble class Challenge: def __init__(self, context): ... canvas = self._context.canvas canvas_width = 20 # Shall match width setting cavnas_height = 10 # Shall match height setting x_c = canvas_width / 2 y_c = canvas_height * 3 / 4 text_in_bubble = "This is an example text\n which will be displayed in bubble" the_bubble = SpeechBubble( canvas, canvas_width, canvas_height, x_c, y_c, arrow_dest = "SE", ) create_bubble_adaptive_size( text_in_bubble, ) bubble_widht = 5 bubble_heigh = 2 create_bubble_fix_size( text_in_bubble, bubble_widht, bubble_height, )
The graphics require several pictures to be added to the exercise manually. Below is provided a zip file (contact FS if you cannot get access) or use the individual links for all the pictures: Here are the links to the pictures needed, they need to be renamed!: