Coding Community
From Future Skill
The Coding Community
In the Future Skill Coding Community, there are several types of activities that members can take part in to practice and improve their coding skills. The following sections describe the Challenge, Tournament, Exercise and Freecode activities. But first, the coding Editor should be introduced.
The Editor
When performing one of the activities mentioned above, the Future Skill coding Editor is used. As seen in the image below,
Challenges are... -Tank challenge Kod utvärderas för sig, får score som läggs i topplista. Mer utvecklad poängsättning. Går att få achievements och XP points.
-Lösnignar körs mot varandra. Varje natt ett antal matcher. Rating baserat på de. ELO-rating
- Levels -Official - vi gjort själva eller vill lyfta fram. Går att få achievements och XP points.
Skapa varsomhelst. Öva sig.