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This article goes through how to use the skeleton classes to write implementations. This is the preferred way of creating new exercises, challenges, etc.

The article contains both a broad overview of the material as well as deep dives, it is recommended to start reading the broad sections and come back to the sub-sections as questions arise.

Why and how to use

The skeletons are base classes that handles things that most implementations will need or things that are required. The specialized skeletons also provides a bunch of functionality that otherwise would take a lot of work to implement.

The provided skeletons form a hierarchy where the children inherit functionality from the parent skeletons:

  • BasicChallenge - Provides the most common functionality
    • StageChallenge - Provides a GUI structure and a couple other features
      • GameChallenge - Provides a bunch of features realated to making a turn-based game

To use a skeleton the Challenge class should inherit from the skeleton class. Each skeleton has a number of required methods that need to be implemented. We provide a basic template for each skeleton under respective heading, which are good starting points for creating a challange.


This is the base of all the skeletons and provide the essential functionality, which will be used by all other skeletons as well. However, keep in mind that some skeletons do implement some of the BasicChallenge methods for you.

Template for BasicChallenge:

This is the module containing the challenge implementation.
from lib.exceptions import SolutionException
from lib.skeletons import BasicChallenge, LevelInfo
from lib.ui import Rectangle, Text

class Challenge(BasicChallenge):
    This is a challenge implementation using the basic skeleton.

    def setup_level(self, level):
        This method returns required level information for the current level.
        The `level` parameter is the level index, starting at 0.
        return LevelInfo(name=f"Level {level + 1}", max_score=10)

    def setup_state(self):
        This method is where you should do all initial setup, except for graphics.
        # For example, setting up a variable which can be used later on
        self.my_variable = 5
        # Or writing a message in the console
        self.console.log("Hi console!")

    def setup_canvas(self):
        This method is where you should create the initial graphics.
        # For example, creating a square
        self.my_square = Rectangle(w=20, h=20, x=20, y=20, color="green", parent=self.canvas)
        # And putting text inside it
        self.my_text = Text("N", font_size=10, color="white", parent=self.my_square)

    def update_state(self):
        This method is where you should call solutions and update the current state.
        It is called continuously until `self.finished` is set to `True`.
        # When calling a solution you need to handle any `SolutionException`
            solution =[0]
            # TODO: call a solution method
        except SolutionException:
            # Code put here will run if the solution crashed

        # This is a good place to update the scores
        self.scores[0] = self.my_variable

        # You will want to set this conditionally if your challenge involves multiple steps
        self.finished = True

    def update_canvas(self):
        This method is where you should update the graphics based on the current state.
        # For example, changing the text inside the square
        self.my_text.text = str(self.my_variable)

Required methods

setup_level(self, level)
Must return a LevelInfo object which includes the information needed for the framework to handle the level.
The level parameter is the index of the current level, starting at 0.
The LevelInfo object has the following attributes:
  • name - The name of the level
  • max_score - The maximum possible score for a solution
  • show_canvas - Whether the level uses the canvas, defaults to True
Setup the challenge state here.
Will be called once at startup, after setup_level.
Setup the canvas here.
Will be called once at startup, after setup_state, unless show_canvas is False.
Note that this method is implemented by most of the other skeletons, so do not add your own when using those.
Call solutions and update the challenge state here.
When calling solutions you must catch any SolutionExceptions that are raised.
Will continuously be called until self.finished is set to True, so remember to do that.
Note that once that happens no other method is called, so remember to also update the scores.
Make any changes to the canvas here.
Will be called immediately after update_state, unless show_canvas is False.
Note that this method is implemented by most of the other skeletons, so do not add your own when using those.


The main feature of this skeleton is reduced boilerplate and some minor conveniences. Here is a list of class members and what they are used for:

A boolean that should be set to True when the challenge has ended.
A list of scores for each solution, indices match the solution indices.
Scores start at 0 and must be updated manually.
Represents the canvas itself and is the top of the graphical hierarchy.
Represents the console, and can be used to log messages.
Used to access various features, but most commonly used to access solutions.
Used for interact mode, see subsection.
Used for interact mode, see subsection.

Interact mode

Interact mode is an advanced feature that is used to make challenges with interactive canvases. This skeleton has a couple of conveniences related to interact mode.

The session class member is used to store the state of the current interact session, which can be used to restart the session in case it timed out or was paused. It acts as a dictionary and the values must consist of only basic python types. The exact data representation is not guaranteed to be retained, and notably any integer dictionary keys will be converted into strings.

The settings class member act just like session but is persisted over interact sessions. So you can use it to store user settings or whether to show a help popup.

Both of these support callbacks on changes using .register_callback(id, key, callback) where id should be unique, key is the settings key, and callback should be a function that takes one argument (the new value). A callback can be removed using .deregister_callback(id, key).

Note that some of the other skeletons might use these features in order to persist settings or state. Therefore you should expect the possibility of unknown keys and values. However, those keys will always be prefixed with two "_" to avoid clashes.

These features use the interact_session_state and interact_setting_state to store the values, so make sure that you are not using those directly as well.


This skeleton adds a GUI setup called the stage on top of the basic skeleton, and some related functionality. It acts as the base for other GUI focused skeletons, so it is likely you will want to use one of them instead.

Template for StageChallenge:

This is the module containing the challenge implementation.
from lib.exceptions import SolutionException
from lib.skeletons import LevelInfo, StageChallenge
from lib.ui import Rectangle, Text

class Challenge(StageChallenge):
    This is a challenge implementation using the stage skeleton.

    def setup_level(self, level):
        This method returns required level information for the current level.
        The `level` parameter is the level index, starting at 0.
        return LevelInfo(name=f"Level {level + 1}", max_score=10)

    def setup_state(self):
        This method is where you should do all initial setup, except for graphics.
        # For example, setting up a variable which can be used later on
        self.my_variable = 5
        # Or writing a message in the console
        self.console.log("Hi console!")
        # Or writing a messege in the stage log
        self.add_log_entry("Hi log!")

    def setup_view(self):
        This method returns the main view for the challenge, which can be any graphics element.
        # The view will automatically be attached, resized and positioned by the framework
        self.my_view = Rectangle(color="green")
        # Any elements put inside the view will be centered inside they view
        self.my_text = Text("N", font_size=50, color="white", parent=self.my_view)
        return self.my_view

    def update_state(self):
        This method is where you should call solutions and update the current state.
        It is called continuously until `self.finished` is set to `True`.
        # When calling a solution you need to handle any `SolutionException`
            solution =[0]
            # TODO: call a solution method
        except SolutionException:
            # Code put here will run if the solution crashed

        # This is a good place to update the scores
        self.scores[0] = self.my_variable

        # You will want to set this conditionally if your challenge involves multiple steps
        self.finished = True

    def update_view(self):
        This method is where you should update the view based on the current state.
        # For example, changing the text inside the view
        self.my_text.text = str(self.my_variable)

Required methods

setup_level(self, level)
See BasicChallenge.
See BasicChallenge.
Must return a graphics element which will comprise the main view of the challenge.
It is automatically given a parent, size and position on the canvas.
Will be called once at startup, after setup_state, unless show_canvas is False.
See BasicChallenge.
Make any changes to the view here.
Will be called immediately after update_state, unless show_canvas is False.

Optional methods

Similar to setup_view but should return an element to put on the left-hand side of the main view.
There is no equivalent to update_view, so any needed updates should be put there.
Should return a text string that will be put in a "Description" tab.
This text can contain html formatting, including images.
Used for interact mode, see subsection in the next section.
Used for interact mode, see subsection in the next section.
Used for interact mode, see subsection in the next section.


The main feature of this skeleton is the GUI setup with a main view and various optional features. Many features are related to interact mode, and are covered in their own subsection.

Additional features include:

  • Info panel on the left-hand side of the main view, see optional methods.
  • A GUI log which can be written to using self.add_log_entry.
  • A description tab with support for html formatting, see optional methods.
  • A GUI settings system, see interact mode subsection.
  • A toolbar at the bottom of the canvas, see interact mode subsection.

Interact mode

This skeleton provides several useful features for interact mode, some that work on top of the basic skeleton features.


This skeleton extends the settings system from the basic skeleton with GUI checkboxes in a new "Settings" tab to the right.

To add a setting here you need to add a SettingInfo object for it in the list returned by setup_settings. The SettingInfo object has the following attributes:

  • key - The key for the setting (same as used in basic skeleton)
  • label - Text next to the checkbox
  • category - Settings category, used for grouping settings
  • default - The default value (defaults to False)

Example of setting up and using settings:

    def setup_settings(self):
        return [SettingInfo(key="my_setting", label="My Setting", category="Example")]

    def update_view(self):
        if self.settings.get("my_setting"):
            self.my_text.text = str(self.my_variable)
            self.my_text.text = "?"

When in interact mode a toolbar will appear at the bottom of the stage. This toolbar comes with an info prompt as well as the possibility to add buttons in the center and to the right.

The info prompt can be updated by setting the self.info_prompt attribute (which defaults to empty).

Buttons can be added by returning a list of buttons in either setup_center_buttons or setup_right_buttons. These buttons will be sized and positioned appropriately, but you will have to attach behaviour yourself.

Example of setting up buttons and using the info prompt:

    def setup_center_buttons(self):
        return [Button("Center", on_click=lambda _: setattr(self, "info_prompt", "Center clicked"))]

    def setup_right_buttons(self):
        return [Button("Right", on_click=lambda _: setattr(self, "info_prompt", "Right clicked"))]

    def setup_state(self):
        self.info_prompt = "Click a button"


This skeleton adds a bunch of nice features useful when creating games (or other challenges where solutions take turns). It makes extensive use of the stage skeleton features, so only implement methods also mentioned here. Like the stage skeleton, there are plenty of features specifically for interact mode.

Template for GameChallenge:

This is the module containing the challenge implementation.
from lib.exceptions import SolutionException
from lib.skeletons import LevelInfo, GameChallenge, GameInfo, PlayerInfo
from lib.ui import Rectangle, Text

class Challenge(GameChallenge):
    This is a challenge implementation using the game skeleton.
    def setup_game(self):
        This method returns required game information for setting up the challenge.
        return GameInfo(
            title="My game",
            summary="My game summary",
            description="My game description.<br>Which can use <em>html formatting</em>!",
    def setup_players(self):
        This method returns a list with required information for each player.
        return [PlayerInfo(
            name="Your solution",

    def setup_level(self, level):
        This method returns required level information for the current level.
        The `level` parameter is the level index, starting at 0.
        return LevelInfo(name=f"Level {level + 1}", max_score=10)

    def setup_state(self):
        This method is where you should do all initial setup, except for graphics.
        # For example, setting up a variable which can be used later on
        self.my_variable = 5
        # Or writing a message in the console
        self.console.log("Hi console!")
        # Or writing a messege in the stage log
        self.add_log_entry("Hi log!")
        # Or writing a log message associated with a player (use player index starting at 0)
        self.add_player_log_entry(0, "Hi player!")

    def setup_view(self):
        This method returns the main view for the challenge, which can be any graphics element.
        # The view will automatically be attached, resized and positioned by the framework
        self.my_view = Rectangle(color="green")
        # Any elements put inside the view will be centered inside they view
        self.my_text = Text("N", font_size=50, color="white", parent=self.my_view)
        return self.my_view

    def update_state(self):
        This method is where you should call solutions and update the current state.
        It is called continuously until `self.finished` is set to `True`.
        # When calling a solution you need to handle any `SolutionException`
            solution =[0]
            # TODO: call a solution method
        except SolutionException:
            # Code put here will run if the solution crashed

        # This is a good place to update the scores
        self.scores[0] = self.my_variable

        # You will want to set this conditionally if your challenge involves multiple steps
        self.finished = True

    def update_view(self):
        This method is where you should update the view based on the current state.
        # For example, changing the text inside the view
        self.my_text.text = str(self.my_variable)

Required methods

Must return a GameInfo object which includes the information needed for the framework to handle the game.
It has the following attributes (all optional):
  • title - The title of the game
  • summary - A short summary of the game
  • description - A longer description of the game, which can include html formatting including images
  • step_mode - See dedicated subsection of the features section.
Must return a list of PlayerInfo objects including the information needed for the framework to handle players.
Typically the player list will correspond with the solution list, but there might be reasons to have more or fewer players in a challenge.
The PlayerInfo object has the following attributes:
  • role - The role of the player, will be displayed above the name
  • name - The name of the player
  • image - The name of the image to use for the player, will be shown in the player list and the log
setup_level(self, level)
See BasicChallenge.
See BasicChallenge.
See StageChallenge.
See BasicChallenge.
See StageChallenge.

Optional methods

See dedicated subsection in the next section.
See StageChallenge.
Note that you need to include the settings from super().setup_settings().
See StageChallenge.
See dedicated subsection in the next section.
Used for interact mode, see subsection in next section.


This skeleton adds a number of GUI features on top of the stage UI from the stage skeleton, as well as some core features for creating games. Most features are detailed in their own subsection.


The main addition of this skeleton is the concept of players, which usually correspond to the solutions. The information provided in setup_players will be displayed in the new left-hand side information panel, together with a game summary.

There might be reasons to have a different number of players than solutions, but normally only in interact mode.


The skeleton includes a system for tracking statistics for each player during a game. These statistics will be shown in the player panel under the players name.

To setup a statistic you will include a StatisticInfo object in setup_statistics with the following attributes:

  • name - The name of the statistic (required), should be a valid python identifier
  • suffix - A suffix to append in the player panel (defaults to empty)
  • type - The type of the statistic (defaults to float), use int for integers or str for strings
  • default - The initial value for the statistic (defaults to 0)

To get or set a statistic for a player you can use self.players[i].name where i is the player index and name is the statistic. For example, setting the "points" statistic for the first player: self.players[0].points = 42.

Interact mode

This skeleton adds a complete turn-management system which greatly simplifies interaction for games.


This skeleton utilizes the toolbar introduced with the stage skeleton by adding buttons on the right-hand side. You should add any custom buttons to the center of the toolbar.

The added button are "Resign" (with a confirmation popup) and "Finish turn" (see following sections). The resign(self) method can be overridden to implement specific behaviour for resignation.

Turn management

A main feature of this skeleton is the turn management system which makes it easier to handle user input and turn logic. This consists of a few attributes, methods and GUI elements.

When using this system there are two things to remember in a user input callback:

  1. Make sure that self.turn_complete has the correct value (should be True if the turn can be finished)
  2. Make sure to end the callback by calling self.finish_input().

This ensures that the "Finish turn" button is enabled when it should be and that the auto-complete turn feature will work correctly.

This skeleton comes with a pre-made setting called "Auto-finish turn" which will automatically finish the turn once it is complete, otherwise the user needs to press the "Finish turn" button manually.

When the turn is finished (manually or automatically) the system will perform a number of "steps" according to the step_mode (see GameInfo). Each step consists of a call to update_state and update_view (if show_canvas is True). The following step modes exists:

Will step exactly once.
Use if your update method always goes through all solutions.
Will step once for each player (the default).
Use if your update method handles just one solution each time.
Note that it matches number of players and not solutions, in case the count is not the same.
Will use the method step_mode_check(self) to check how many times to step.
After each step the method is called, and if True is returned another step is performed.
Note that each time at least one step is performed.
Use if the number of steps may vary (e.g. being able to miss a turn).


For a complete example of a Tournament Freecode which uses the GameChallenge, check out one of these (you have to be logged in to view the implementations):